Who can I contact if I have questions about Dakota Grass-Fed Beef or want to discuss an experience I had with your product?
Please scroll down to fill out the contact form.
Where can I buy Dakota Grass-Fed Beef?
To find the grocery store carrying Dakota Grass-Fed Beef nearest you, enter your zip code or city & state in the store locator tool:
Store Locator also offer Dakota Grass-Fed Beef in our online store and can ship it straight to your door:
Meyer Market.
Where is Dakota Grass-Fed Beef located?
Dakota Grass-Fed Beef is part of Meyer Natural Foods, headquartered in Loveland, Colorado.
How can I get a coupon?
You can get a printable $1-off coupon as a welcome for subscribing to our newsletter here:
HERE. We have a second newsletter you may be interested in. If you’d like to join the newsletter for our online store, you’ll be on the list to receive regular deals & discounts on Dakota Beef and other products within the Meyer family of brands:
Meyer Market Sign-up.
What if I don't have a printer? What if I run into print issues?
We understand some people may not have access to a reliable printer, but we only offer a printable coupon. We do not have paper coupons available. If you run into a printer issue, feel free to try a different email address.
What is in your ground beef? Do you add anything to it?
Dakota Grass-Fed Organic Beef ground beef is all-natural and certified USDA organic. Nothing is added to our beef: no water, no fillers, no additives, no preservatives, no coloring or dye.
Is Dakota Grass-Fed Organic Beef grass-fed and grass-finished?
Yes. Our Dakota Grass-Fed Organic Beef is 100% grass-fed and grass-finished.
What does all-natural mean?
The USDA defines all-natural as "Minimally processed, no artificial ingredients."
What does organic mean?
The USDA approves the use of the Organic seal for foods that are manufactured in accordance with the National Organic Program’s guidelines, including prohibiting the use of synthetic pesticides on feedstuffs. If you would like some more information about these standards, the following link will direct you to an explanation of the program
Are your products gluten-free?
Yes. Dakota Grass-Fed steaks and ground beef are gluten-free. Beef naturally does not contain gluten. Gluten is introduced to meat by added ingredients, and our ground beef has no added ingredients. Our corned beef has minimal ingredients and is also gluten-free.
Do you use a casing on your Dakota Grass-Fed Hot Dogs?
We use cellulose casings to stuff our hot dogs. They are peeled off before packaging, so there is not a casing on the product when you purchase it.
Are pastures where cattle are raised sprayed with pesticides?
Dakota Grass-Fed Organic Beef meets all USDA Organic standards, prohibiting the use of synthetic pesticides on feedstuffs.
Is your ground beef packaged in the same area as allergens?
No. Dakota Grass-Fed Beef ground beef is not currently ground or packaged in areas that have exposure to the Big 9 allergens. milk, eggs, nuts, fish, crustaceans, shellfish, wheat, soy, and sesame. Please note, USDA-FSIS routinely verifies that inspected establishments such as those producing Dakota Organic ground beef are appropriately controlling and labeling any exposure to the Big 9 allergens (
USDA). Currently, facilities employed for production of Dakota Organic ground beef are free of these allergens; however, this can change and although USDA-FSIS and plant HACCP plans have strict controls around potential exposures, those with severe sensitivities are encouraged to validate the status of the facility with Meyer Natural Foods via the contact mechanisms mentioned above.
How long do I have to use the ground beef?
Ground beef should be cooked or frozen by the use-by / sell-by date on the package. Storage temperature is the most critical to maintaining freshness. Ground beef should be transported and stored at 40°F or less.
Can I freeze ground beef?
Yes. If the ground beef was purchased fresh from a grocery store (instead of our online store which is already frozen) and you wish to freeze the product, this should be done prior to the use-by / freeze-by date on the package.
How long can I keep ground beef in the freezer?
We recommend freezing your ground beef and consuming it within 3-4 months after freezing. According to the USDA ground beef is best if used within 4 months.